Loss of a speaker and writer

January 26, 2015


Happiness is an Attitude

January 26, 2015

Aisha Chaudhary was born with SCID, Severe Combined Immune Deficiency. She currently also suffers from pulmonary fibrosis. We can all learn to appreciate life a little more after hearing the inspiring words of this amazing young lady.

Singing in a life boat

January 25, 2015

Like Voltaire, she believes a shipwreck gives us an opportunity to sing in the life boats. Little Aisha Chaudhary teaches us a big lesson even as she is battling a life-threatening medical condition. All of 15, Aisha has taught herself to paint, take pictures, run with her dog and dance at her cousin’s wedding, not just once but twice. Aisha learned art at the American Embassy School. “You live every moment twice, once in your mind and once when you actually live it,” she said to a standing ovation.

Recorded at INK2011, Jaipur, India click link to view.